Types of grass common to Virginia Beach

There are different grass types in Virginia Beach; these are the warm season grasses like for instance the Zoysia grass and the cool season ones such as the Kentucky bluegrass, the ryegrass and many more. Below is a description of some grass types you can find at Virginia Beach.

Kentucky bluegrass

This is an attractive and persistent grass species that is popular to many people in Virginia Beach. The grass type turns to have medium to dark-green color if fertilized properly and a medium to fine leaf feel or texture. The species has rhizomes, these are extensive ground stems that provide such a superior recuperative potential and a good sod-forming feature as compared to other grasses that grow in the cool season. This type of grass has many characteristics; this is right from them wearing tolerant, cold tolerant and also moderately drought and heat tolerant. Kentucky bluegrass experiences optimum growth rate during the fall and spring seasons and at the prolonged period of drought and heat, they become semi-dormant. The best part of it is that it quickly recovers from dormancy when cooler temperatures advent.

Perennial ryegrass

This is a dark-green, persistent and medium to fine leaf textured species used anywhere. Unlike other cool-season grass types, they don’t form stolon or rhizomes and they have a bunch type habit of growth. The recuperative capability of this grass species is not such strong like that of their counterpart the Kentucky bluegrass. They are popular as the establishes quickly and rapidly germinate. It is extensively used for overseeding damaged or thin turf and actually among the competitive one with other grass species. This grass species is not used in over twenty percent amounts in a mixture with other species since it’s aggressive in nature. It can be best used alone or combined with other grass types like the fine fescues and the Kentucky bluegrass.

Fine fescues

This type of grass composes of narrow leaves and it is found in Festuca genus. There different grass types of this species and the common ones include the chewing fescue, the sheep fescue, creeping red fescue, and the hard fescue. They are extensively used for parks, laws and also grounds. They are the best for turfs that are lowly maintained but they are not common in sports turfs. The species normally produce such an attractive and a clear uniform stand with colors ranging from medium-green to that of dark-green during the cool weather. They are compatible with different mixtures are extremely fine textured. The best part of this grass species is that they tolerate droughty soils, low pH, low fertility soils and pH and also at shaded conditions. 

Zoysia grass

This is a type of warm-season grass species that has their optimum growth when temperatures are high. They are known to produce beautiful and attractive turfs when primarily used for home lawns. The grass type is common in the Tidewater areas and southern parts of Piedmont. Their leaf texture is medium to fine and they tend to have color ranging from light to medium green. They are known to produce thick, extensive stolon that normally spreads in a rapid manner. They have a good recuperative capability because of their prolific stolon production rate. This grass species does well in moderate levels of moisture and soils that are well-limed even though they are known to be drought tolerant. 

Bermuda grass

This is the main for many parts that are tropical and temperate. The grass species is common in the Tidewater areas and the southern parts of Piedmont. They are actually the best match if you are thinking of starting out high profile projects where you require quick germination and establishment. It can do better in areas that experience warm climates. 

Tall Fescue

Is durable and persistent species that forms attractive turf for playgrounds, home lawns, athletic fields, and parks. This type of grass is used commonly in situations that require low maintenance statuses such as at the airstrips, utility areas, fairgrounds and at the highway medials. There are many improved varieties of this grass species and they normally have higher tiller densities, finer texture and dark green in color.

These are some types of grass that are common in Virginia Beach you need to know. Thank you to our Virginia Beach Lawn Care Service Provider – Lenard’s Lawn Care